Due to an increased demand and industry wide availability issues on a range of components, some appliances are currently subject to delay or in some cases unavailable. Nearly all appliance brands have increased lead times. Specifically, many dishwashing and oven products are now seeing lead times of over 12 weeks, brought about by component shortages.
The longer lead times are due to a number of factors most notably:
Increased demand
Shortages of components
The lack of stock in the supply chain
Supplier difficulties increasing manufacturing rates
Other issues that have contributed to the extended lead times are transport problems, lockdown restrictions in different countries, Brexit complications, and component shortages.
We acknowledge this can create challenges for you when purchasing a new kitchen. However, we can assure you that the close relationship with our suppliers ensures that you will have the best chance at securing appliances and receiving them in the quickest time possible.
If you need any further information, please get in touch with the showroom directly on 01392 285945.